Firstly this ice cream lolly wrapper sold for £26.99 with 6 bids. Mick, who sold this, had a question about the wrappers he was selling (the others were not by Bellamy):
Q: Hi, is it possible to get each title in both of the two packet front designs (with and without 5d)? Did Frank Bellamy do the art work for all the series of Walls wrappers? Thank you 25-May-10
A: hi I haven't seen any RED version wrapper that has the price on the front.There is Another version of the red one ,that features a smaller image of the front design on the back .Bellamy only did the artwork for the From the worlds of the Daleks series. All the BEST mick
An unusual and truly rare item. Who would have known it would be worth so much?
Secondly, a copy of the Radio Times, with a cover featuring Jon Pertwee (as Doctor Who) and the Daleks sold, after three bids for £123.25. I personally still have the cover that I cut from my family's Radio Times - again, that seemed the best thing to do to keep a copy!
And finally...
An original Garth strip sold for £150.80. This was from the Bride of Jenghiz Khan story. As I don't actually own a copy of this strip I have taken the scans provided by the seller. The episode number is H282, and I checked the Menomonee Falls Gazette partial index (by Roger Clark) and see that the newspaper reprint finished before they got round to reprinting this particular episode, so it was no use looking to see if I had a copy! I checked, but I don't have a copy of the Dakin reprint from 1979 Garth: Bride of Jenghiz Khan (Daily Strips No. 1).which reprints the whole story (H228-J11) - nor do I have Garth: Bride of Jenghiz Khan reprinted by the All Devon Comic Collectors Club. So, sorry, but here's the best I can do.
I have been asked at work to demonstrate a blog entry being created and wondered is there anything I could show you from my collection, that you've not yet seen? Let me know by emailing me (with a single request, please!) at

You'll need to type this address in your preferred email client.I've been getting some spam and this is my crude attempt to stop that!
How come Frank Bellamy is not reprinted more often, I haven't seen any of his works for a very long time now.
Hi Marcos, thanks for writing. If you go to BookPalace's page, you'll see some of the latest, and also click on my Amazon links
Hello Norman, como sé que entiendes el español, quiero preguntarte: ¿Cuantas historias de Heros the Spartan dibujó Frank Bellamy? ¿Cuales fueron sus títulos?
Many thanks in advance for your kind attention,
My Spanish is not very good Jorge, pero estos son los detalles de cada historia por Bellamy. Cada episodio era una doble página (con la excepcion de 'Eagle Annual' - 2 páginas individuales y 3 dobles páginas
The Island of Darkness = 19 episodios
The Eagle of the Fifth = 34 episodios
Axe of Argath = 20 episodios
The Slave Army = 22 episodios
En EAGLE ANNUAL (1966 pp.89-96) "Heros the Spartan" (sin titulo)
= 1 episodio
Por lo tanto él completó 96 episodios (198 páginas de comic)
I suspect English readers can work out what I'm trying to say! Bellamy's output on one character!
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