Various Doctor Who listings from Radio Times |
You might have already seen the adverts around the Net for the following and I'm recommending it as I have followed
Andersonic (the sister fanzine) for many years and find them both great fun.
Being your keen reporter on all things Frank Bellamy I had to try it as it cunningly has an article entitled:
Frank’s Who – the lasting influence of Frank Bellamy’s Radio Times art on Doctor Who illustration - catchy huh? I confess now, to not having a clue what the title meant but the Net proved useful and I soon educated myself. The article on Bellamy's influence on Doctor Who illustrators is really interesting. I'm not going to reproduce it here as I think you ought to support the Editor's efforts in getting out a regular print fanzine in these e-days!
The article is an intelligent overview of Bellamy's lasting influence and contains many interesting insights in just 4 pages including how Haylock appears to have swiped Bellamy and how Chris Achilleos was influenced by Bellamy. BUY ONE NOW
Plaything of Sutekh is a new Doctor Who fanzine from the people behind Andersonic.
Issue 1 is now available and it includes:
- What Did the Sixties Do For Who?
- a look at how the Troughton era of Doctor Who reflected the changes facing Britain in the late 60s
- Frank’s Who – the lasting influence of Frank Bellamy’s Radio Times art on Doctor Who illustration.
- Secret Who – we re-evaluate a clutch of less popular stories and find there’s more to them than meets the eye: Underworld, The Krotons and The Android Invasion. Don’t be afraid – they’re better than you think.
- Accidental Art – while Nation and Adams were pulling in opposite directions, Ken Grieve’s innovative approach raised Destiny of the Daleks above the norm.
- A New Direction? – a look at the evolution of Doctor Who under Steven Moffat
- DWDVD – recent DVD releases Invasion of the Dinosaurs and The Daemons
- Return of the King – a look at (or a listen to) Tom Baker’s return as the Doctor in Big Finish audios
- and more
The issue is 40 b/w A5 pages, fully illustrated with colour covers.
To order, visit the Blog
As for the above mentioned Andersonic -
Issue 13 of Andersonic is available now and is just plain fun to read and Richard farrell's charicatures are beautiful. The current issue features:
- A 9-page interview with Space: 1999 director Ray Austin in which he discusses his time on the series, including his favourite episodes, his style of direction and working with Martin Landau.
- Jan King Interview - Jan discusses his time working on Captain Scarlet, Joe 90 and Terrahawks, including burning hotel rooms, puppet eunochs and old Ninestein himself.
- Specsavers TV Advert - a photo feature on the making of the recent Thunderbirds Specsavers TV advert.
- Thunderhawks - the aborted concept that later evolved into Terrahawks with loads of photos, some even in colour.
- Pat Silver - a short Q&A with the co-writer of Space:1999/ Full Circle.
- The Bringers of Wonder - a review/script to screen feature of this Space:1999 two-parter.
- Recollections of a Floor Puppeteer - John Last recalls his brief time working on Joe 90
- Plus reviews of The Sound of Silence, Attack of the Alligators and more.
For more details on ordering, click here