When I saw some of John Ridgway's colouring of the newspaper strip Garth, I had to catch him by email and ask permission to reproduce it.
John was kind enough to not only share the one I wanted (above) but also to send me copies of several others and agreed I could share them. I like to reciprocate and said is there anything he is working on that I can advertise for him? He hasn't actually got a web presence but
DownTheTubes have kindly set up a page for him and he sent me this list:
"Currently I'm working on
- a
Commando book for D.C.Thomson,
- Colouring Age of Heroes for Strip magazine
- Colouring some Ron Turner Space Ace stories for possible publication
- Colouring Fudge and the Dragon and Speck's Inventions (yes that's Ken Reid's creation!) for ROK Comics
- Working on designs for Frontiers – a space series I want to write
- Working on scripts for two other series – Wereworld and Alternate Earth
- Continuing to colour the Garth stories and Earthspace("I've been colouring up Earthspace by Sydney Jordan with the hope of convincing Express Newspapers to let us get it done in full colour as a graphic album")"
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John is definitely a major talent when it comes to art and colouring, Norman. A Hulk story he drew for Marvel US around 25 years ago (I think - it's hard to keep track of time after a while) is still one of the best strips I've seen.
Dear Norman
Thanks for the new strips but to be honest i think the John Ridgeway Garth colouring is just too bright and garish for me. It lacks atmophere that i think the Mirror's version has shown- especially recently!!! The Mirror version is more closer to what Bellamy did with colour and its also helps no linework is removed. Having looked at it in the newspaper the printing does not always help the colourist but i think he doing a great job and would love to see them reprinted in book form... Sorry i just don't go for Ridgeway colouring for Garth but must admit i like his current work in Strip...
Hope you don't mind these comments...
Bill Garnier
It's great to get feedback so thanks 'Kid' and Bill.
The colouring of what was black and white is itself controversial to purists but you can see form comments sent to the blog we are all polite enough to appreciate each others' opinions! And yes, Strip is looking good. I've taken to ordering it on the iPad to save some trees. But how do I sell those on eBay in my dotage?
I like the GARTH colorized version very much. I would like to see alson Harry Bishop's GUNLAW in colour.
Thanks, and Best regards from Brazil
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