I feel I should apologise for the lack of material on this blog in
the last 6 months. Our house has been completely re-plastered - new
plasterboard on walls and ceilings! That's the first time I've been able
to paint new new walls and ceilings and skirting boards! And it will
the last, I can't face that work again!! Amway all the books, notes etc
are out of storage
Enough of me, let's talk Bellamy
While I was 'out of it' a few things appeared which connect with Bellamy.
Doctor Who: The Complete History
Volume 17:Colony in space; The Daemons; Day of the Daleks |
The above
Doctor Who: The Complete History was published as a partwork by
Panini. I caught it while it was available in W H Smiths. This is the second published volume (actually volume 17) covering three episodes (the first two 1971; the latter 1972). You can read the reviews of each issue of this multi-part work at the
Doctor Who fan site Kasterborous "Doctor Who News, Opinions, Reviews and PodKast", If you are wondering, they state "Kasterborous (Cas-TER-bor-os) was the constellation in which the planet Gallifrey was located"
It looks like the series of hardbacks have the following outline:
- Introduction
- The Story
- Pre-Production
- Production
- Post-Production
- Publicity
- Broadcast
- Cast and Credits
- Merchandise
- Profiles
Below are my photos of the Bellamy relevant pages from this particular volume which show artwork from the Radio Times
- 10 April 1971 -16 April 1971: Doctor Who - Colony in Space
- 22 May 1971 - 28 May 1971: Doctor Who - The Daemons
- 18 December 1971 - 31 December 1971: The omnibus edition of The Daemons
- 1 January 1972 - 7 January 1972: Doctor Who - Day of the Daleks
pages 38-39 |
pages78-79 |
pages136-137 |
I also saw advertised in a Museum catalogue which arrived on my doormat, the excellent "Happy Warrior" reprint
I have previously mentioned where they state rather strangely
"Reproducing 8 complete 'Eagle' colour comic strips from the 1950s telling the life story of Sir Winston Churchill". Where
did they get the figure 8 from? The series ran for 49 episodes
(including the full page portrait); it was one long story - not 8 parts;
it took up one page each week; it was indeed the '1950s' but actually
1957-1958. Strange!
An erroneous description! |
The hardback is apparently out of print in the USA, and i have learned that
Book Palace have stock
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