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I must thank Alberto Soares for pointing out this information to me (which was on Catawiki
). I've also used
GARTH (Kisan Petulangan) Garth (Adventure story)
There are 4 known titles which were published in 1975 and appeared in the English originals with libretto underneath with the Indonesian translation
- Topeng Atacama = The Mask of Atacama
- Aksi Wanita Galba = literally "Galba women's action", i.e. The Women of galba
- Berebut Tambang Perak = Literally "Scramble for a silver mine", i.e. Ghost Town
- Makhluk Jurang Dasar Laut = literally "Seabed creature of the abyss", i.e. People of the Abyss
Cover images by Rahardjo S. |
Approximate translation for the above image:
Judal Aseli: = Original title: Women of Galba
Aksi Wanita Galba = The Women of Galba's action
Hak cipta terjemahan = Translation copyright Indonesia
Hak cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang = Copyright protected by law
Gambar sampul oleh = Cover image by Rahardjo S.
Dicetak oleh Percetakan = Printed by P.T. Gramedia Printing, Jakarta

GARTH: Komik Tarabunta, 2023
Published by Marabunta, c.2023 | 21 x 30 cm | 24 pages | Softcover
4 titles in the series of 20 are reprints of Steve Dowling's origin of Garth and three Martin Asbury stories. Where it says "Komik Dewasa" this translates as "Adult Comic" as these reprints retain the nudity in the originals.
The only two stories not reprinted in this series were:
- Garth: The Beautiful People
- Garth: The Spanish Lady
Indonesian Title | Translation | Original Title |
1. Topeng Atacama | 1. Atacama Mask | Mask of Atacama |
2. Wanita Wanita Galba | 2 Women Galba Women | Women of Galba |
3. Makhluk Jurang Dasar Laut | 3. Seabed Abyss | People of the Abyss |
4. PialaTrimandias | 4. the Trimandias Cup | The Orb of Trimandias |
5. Kota Hantu | 5. Ghost City | Ghost Town |
6. Manusia Serigala dari Ausensee | 6 Wolf from Ausensee | The Wolfman of Ausensee |
7. Awan Baltus | 7. Baltus Cloud | The Cloud of Balthus |
8. The Wreckers | 8 The Wreckers | The Wreckers |
9. Si Buas dari Ultor | 9. The Busa of the Ultor | The Beast of Ultor |
10. The Saga of Garth | 10. The Saga of Garth | Steve Dowling |
11. Sundance | 11. Sundance | Sundance |
12. Malaikat Gerbang Neraka | 12. Angels Gate of Hell | The Angels of Hell's Gap |
13. Operasi Narkotik | 13. Narcotics Operations | Freak out to Fear |
14. Manusia Buatan | 14. Artificial Man | The Doomsmen |
15. Pengantin Jenghiz Khan | 15. Bridal Jenghiz Khan | Bride of Jenghiz Khan |
16. Pemburu Lelaki | 16. Male Hunters | Manhunt |
17. Blood Sport | 17. Blood Sport | Martin Asbury |
18. Manusia Gelembung | 18. Man Bubble | The Bubble Man |
19. French Woman | 19. French Woman | Martin Asbury |
20. Pencuri Pikiran | 20. The Theft of the Mind | Martin Asbury |
The covers and interiors with comments
Cover from Titan Books reprint - drawn by Martin Asbury
Cover from Titan Books reprint - drawn by Ian Gibson
Cover from Australian reprint |
A collage - mainly of an Alan Davis drawing - plus Bellamy
The Orb of Trimandias - interior
Ghost Town - interior
Taken from the cover of Daily Mirror Book of Garth 1975
The Wolfman of Ausensee - interior
The Cloud of Balthus
The Cloud of Balthus -interior
The Wreckers
The Beast of Ultor
The Beast of Ultor - Drawn by Bill Storie - I wonder if he got paid!
Sundance |
John Allard's first Sundance strips before Bellamy began
The Angels of Hell's Gap
I wonder if Kevin got paid!
Freak Out To Fear gets an interesting title!
Freak Out To Fear - interior
The Doomsmen
The Doomsmen - interior
The Bride of Jenghiz Khan
The Bride of Jenghiz Khan- interior
Manhunt - Bellamy's last Garth completed by Asbury
Manhunt - interior
The Bubble Man
Drawing by the late Jon Haward
Interestingly, it looks like this is either shaded or scanned from a colourised version
GARTH "EDISIS TERBATAS" (Limited Edition), Komik Tarabunta, 2022
There are 4 known titles which were published in 2022 by Marabunta and differ from the ones above by the top left logo, and the 'Nostalgia' flash in the top right corner
4 titles labelled "Adult Character"
FRASER DI AFRIKA, Komik Marabunta,
"Safari yang Hilang" (The Lost Safari) appears to be the only Fraser reprint in Indonesia. I suspect this is very recent - 2024?.
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