Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Frank Bellamy is still being published!

Look closely!

Over on my newly renamed Frank Bellamy Artwork Facebook page I often throw links to Bellamy I've found,  or recent news stories I don't think worth adding an article here about. But today I'm inspired to draw several threads (bad pun) together.

A young Paul Merton lookalike?

John Freeman and Jonathan Wyke alerted me to the fact that Bellamy jumpers (and scarves gentlemen!) are now available. But watch your bank account before hitting that Pay button! I'd love to know why Lou Dalton printed them in black and white and not colour.


For some great images (and an appreciation of Thunderbirds) see Nick Carvell, the Fashion Editor of page. I'm still amazed that people who produce Bellamy materials don't send me free copies to promote their products but maybe it's because I do it anyway! I won't be buying the jumpers or the scarves, as they cost quite a bit, the jumpers, £250 and the scarves, £120.They are available to buy exclusively online at Lou Dalton for obsessive fans!

Both products are in three colours: bottle green, dirty pink (!) and white and they suggest you could wear them with their neoprene funnel neck blouson (see image at top of this article). Personally that image doesn't work for me with the Parthal's plane shooting downwards.But my family will tell you I know nothing about fashion! My eldest daughter tells me off if she thinks I should buy a new 'going-out' shirt! Anyway I apologise for not crediting the photographer as I couldn't find his/her name. As Jonathan points out they didn't credit Frank Bellamy either!

Thunderbirds duvet with Bellamy artwork

Moving swiftly on there's also a duvet cover using Bellamy's artwork which is a lot cheaper at £29 (and I hesitate to ask my wife to sew two singles together!). For those who need to know, the Thunderbirds Single Duvet Set includes one duvet cover and one pillow case made of polycotton and is machine washable and is available easily online from Isme and sister site Very.This reminded me that I saw something by Bellamy previously used as a duvet cover and after asking on Facebook, Shaqui came back with one of his 'Easter eggs' from his wonderful site:

If anyone has a copy - or a photo - Shaqui and I would love to see it. It was being sold by Undercover of Deer Park, Gnosall, Staffordshire in 1992.

This of course brings us back to the clothing line above which uses Bellamy's designs from the story that appeared in TV Century 21 #141 - 146 (30 September 2067 - 4 November 2067), "The Earthquake Maker" written, we believe by Scott Goodall. The story is about a man called Parthal who creates eathquakes!

As you've stayed this long you deserve to see the printed story from which some of the above artwork originates.

TV21 #146 Art by Frank Bellamy

TV21 #146 Art by Frank Bellamy

And finally back to books. Lew Stringer spotted that a second volume of Thunderbirds the classic comic collection is due in November. Amazon has some details Thunderbirds The Comic Collection Volume 2.  The cover looks to be by Graham Bleathman and the details are somewhat thin, (witnessed by the following, "Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years. For use under adult supervision") so I'll add more when they become a bit clearer, but the blurb sounds promising:
 Fifty years after Thunderbirds first blasted off onto British TV, discover the comic strips that captured the thrill and excitement of the cult TV series in spectacular style. This dazzling collection features the first twelve comic strips illustrated by the legendary Frank Bellamy originally published in the 1960’s.
Due in November 2015

  • Hardcover: 224 pages
  • Publisher: Egmont (5 Nov. 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1405279214
  • ISBN-13: 978-1405279215
  • Product Dimensions: 21.6 x 2.4 x 28 cm

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Frank Bellamy, Frank Norman and Insideout

In two previous posts we looked at some of Frank Bellamy's Sunday Times Colour Magazine work on horse racing and the nuclear bomb. Today I want to look at the issue dated 16th November 1969. The title of the double page spread is "Playwright's Progress" by Frank Norman. The contents page titles it "Playwright's Progress: three frustrating years in the life of a play and the man trying to get it produced". Bellamy referred to it as his "Royal Court" piece in the Dez Skinn/ Dave Gibbon interview.

The issue's cover features Carol Lynley, actress, posing for the feature "Playground of the stars: Malibu Beach", the colour magazine using its colour features well!

Cover showing Carol Lynley
We want to concentrate on Frank Norman's article which begins with the two page spread by Frank Bellamy. I thought the contracts must have been photographed and inserted into blank spaces left by the artist, but the original art - I've seen a scan of it - has all the letters and contracts on it! This piece features portraits of various theatre creative people such as Dame Peggy Ashcroft, Peter Hall, Lindsay Anderson, William Gaskill, John Boulton and Joan Littlewood. Can you spot any others such as the woman with Anderson or Tynan's dinner guests? And are we supposed to see Anderson directing Norman to "build up the part of the assistant governor"? This is odd as Ken Campbell directed the play and portraits of him online don't match in my opinion and it looks more like Anderson (whose credits do not include Insideout) but who was at the Royal Court at that time.

Sunday Times 16 November 1969 pp54-55
John Frank Norman - to give him his full name - had a biography on the now expired website The Goldonian which included his Dr. Barnardo's record, which I have edited down here:

JOHN FRANK NORMAN. (Illegitimate) Admitted 24.3.I937.
BORN: 9.6.I930 at I55 Whiteladies Road, Bristol.
BAPTIZED: C.of E. No particulars. Mother C.of E.
LAST SIX MONTHS ADDRESS: c/o Mrs A. Prittlewell, Southend-on-Sea.
LAST SCHOOL ATTENDED: Barnes Private School, Church Road, Barnes.


When our officer called, the conditions in applicants home were not at all good, and it was reported that John should not be allowed to remain there a day longer than necessary. John is a weak-looking child, and mentally backward, but he has never had a chance, being pushed about from pillar to post. At school he was said to be quite docile and friendly. The putative father should be persuaded to contribute regularly towards John's maintenance.

Sunday Times 16 November 1969 p.54
The biography on the defunct site has been adapted in the Wikipedia page. In 1957 aged 27 Frank Norman had started writing what was to become one of his best known books Bang to Rights. Within a year of his release from prison (the topic of his autobiographical work), he was published in Encounter magazine  - a 10,000 word extract from his prison memoir. Championed at first by the editor of the magazine Stephen Spender, and subsequently by Raymond Chandler who wrote the foreword to Bang to Rights, The book took two years to write and be published. Frank Norman is perhaps more famous for his work with Lionel Bart creating the musical "Fings Ain't wot they used t'be". Peter Roberts, writing about the musical for "Plays and Players" magazine (March 1960) states:

There is no glossary of terms used by Mr. Norman's low-life characters, which I would have thought indispensable to all except those who have either recently returned from one of Her Majesty's prisons or who have just read an account of the life lead therein in one of Mr. Norman's two books advertised in the same programme

Insideout which is the play written about in this Sunday Times article, is a prison play about Tommie White on his first term in prison and how prison does little to change his ways when he is later released. Norman felt strongly about the topic of prison, writing a letter to the Times about overcrowding (Frank Norman. "Overcrowded Prisons." Times [London, England] 9 Dec. 1969). On Saturday 20 December 1969 the last advert appears stating the play, Insideout directed by Ken Campbell is running for its last week.

Sunday Times 16 November 1969 p.54 - Contract

Sunday Times 16 November 1969 p.55
The original Sloane Square playhouse the "Royal Court Theatre" stood on the opposite side of the square to the current one. The original was flattened in a road widening scheme. The new theatre staged ten of George Bernard Shaw's plays between 1904 and 1907 and became a cinema in 1932 and remained derelict after the bombings of the Second World War until 1952. Under the artistic director George Devine, the company produced controversial new plays from John Osborne ("Look back in anger" is behind Bill Gaskill in Bellamy's illustration on page 55!), and Arnold Wesker.

Sunday Times 16 November 1969 p.55 - Peter Hall rejection letter
Frank Norman states at the end of his piece, "Insideout opens on November 26 and runs for four weeks" and as an interesting addition, Bellamy was obviously not shown the poster that would be used as he invents his own form of lettering as the poster in the last panel. If you want to read the complete text of the play, it apparently appears in full in "Plays and Players" magazine February 1970. I wonder if Bellamy got to see the play? He was paid £175 for his work so could easily afford a ticket! And I also wonder whether anyone sued - although I did search I couldn't find any evidence!

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Frank Bellamy and Monty Carstairs

UPDATED 5 Aug 2015- see below
I suspect a lot of people have never seen much of the "Monty Carstairs" strip in the Mickey Mouse Weekly  and I love the 'controlled' nature of Bellamy's early work. As listed on the website Bellamy drew "Monty Carstairs" from 25 July 1953 till 26 June 1954. he drew four stories, outlined below. From the first episode he had the full page but from 12 December 1953 to the end of his run Bellamy loses a sixth of the page to a comic strip cartoon. All his art is linework in black and white ink. The other strips in the comic in black and white are interesting to compare to as even here, Bellamy's earliest regular comic strip job, he tries to break the panel boundaries in his artwork.

Before we get to Bellamy's work I thought you might like to see some of the rest of the comic to give you a bit of context.

Mickey Mouse Weekly 13 Feb 1954 - Cover

The cover of this randomly selected issue (of the few I own) is taken up with the popular and iconic "Mickey Mouse" which makes sense.

Mickey Mouse Weekly 13 Feb 1954 pp2-3
We then have "Donald Duck"; "The Misadventures of Goofy" and on the opposite page "Billy Brave and his friends" (the latter drawn by Tony Weare)
Mickey Mouse Weekly 13 Feb 1954 p4
Frank Bellamy's artwork for "Monty Carstairs in the 'Mystery of the Black Pearls'" takes up most of the page with Smith's "Prinny" in the bottom sixth of the page. In this example Bellamy sticks to the common layout within Mickey Mouse Weekly (MMW) but still manages to differentiate nicely the day from night and leaves us with a visual cliff-hanger

Mickey Mouse Weekly 13 Feb 1954 p5
One of Malcolm Saville's Lone Pine novels is serialised here "Seven White Gates" with illustration by F. Stocks May and the feature "Mickey Mouse Jungle Club" appears below
Mickey Mouse Weekly 13 Feb 1954 pp6-7
The double page spread on pages 6-7 has "Walrus and the Carpenter" (from the 1951 film "Alice in Wonderland"), "Walt Disney's True Life Adventures: Olympic Elk", "Jaq and Gus" (from Cinderella), "Mad Hatter and the March Hare" and finally "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". You can read my previous article on the True Life Adventures here
Mickey Mouse Weekly 13 Feb 1954 p8
Page 8 gives us "Marney's Circus in 'South Seas Island Adventure'" and "Popsy" by Davis.

Mickey Mouse Weekly 13 Feb 1954 p9
"Whitey and the Killer Whales" featuring 'Willie the operatic whale' from the 1946 cartoon The Whale Who Wanted To Sing At the Met, is next famous from the film Make Mine Music.

Page 10 featured "Robin Alone" (which I have seen credited to Tony Weare, Bill Lacey and 'Unknown' - I'll vote for the latter for this particular episode and Lacey for many others I've seen! - however David Slinn has identified this as Bill Lacey - see below and he credits my 'unknown' artist as Edward Osmond) and Donald Duck's nephews "Huey, Dewey, and Louie"appear at the bottom of the page
Mickey Mouse Weekly 13 Feb 1954 p10
Page 11 stars "Peter Pan in 'The Secret of Joshua Slogg'" and "Jimmy and the little old engine" drawn by the well-known (in UK comics) Neville Main and I see that he is credited when some of these strips were published in 1954 by Brockhampton Press.

Mickey Mouse Weekly 13 Feb 1954 p11

Page 12, the back cover, has a strip adaptation of Disney's film "Rob Roy" which premièred  26 October 1953 in the UK drawn by Patrick Williams (thanks David Slinn for the identification).

Mickey Mouse Weekly 13 Feb 1954 p12

Now let's get to Bellamy's art in "Monty Carstairs". The artwork is lovely and clear (if not in my photos, forgive me!) and it doesn't take long for Bellamy to experiment - strictly in the constraints of 5 or 6 row strip


As far as I can see Monty Carstairs started some time just before April 1951 and was drawn by Cecil Orr, I think. (Issues I've seen in 1949 and up to December 1950 do not have Monty Carstairs). The excellent Inducks database says 25 August 1951 (unless I have misinterpreted and they mean the start of that particular story "The Green Dolphin"?). eBay searches show it's likely this might be the case as I have found "Red for Danger!", a Monty Carstairs Special agent cartoon serial story" mentioned for the issue dated 7 (and 24) April 1951. According the same eBay seller 7 July 1951 has the story "The Prisoner of the Chateau". Details are so sketchy for this series, if you can help I don't mind changing this.

The monocled Carstairs appears to be a common fictional device in the mould of Lord Peter Wimsey, who also wore a monocle and was the detective character created in 1923 by Dorothy L. Sayers.

1) The Secret of the Sands story has "the famous detective", "the prince of private investigators", "the gentleman adventurer" Monty Carstairs visiting Sandypoint Cove, Cornwall, where Tony and Mary Peers discover a German u-boat and some men who are up to no good!  We learn that Carstairs' bowler-hatted "Siamese servant" is called Mr. San, which could be translated from the Japanese as "Mr. Mr." - but kids were not so sophisticated back then and are likely not to have noticed this slight discrepancy!

 In the third row (above) we see Bellamy beginning to stretch himself and show something different.

I'm not suprised this is the page often reproduced as the villain looms large in intimidating the boy, especially with those thick lenses in his spectacles.

The second row here shows a telephone conversation - the pictures angled to add emphasising the device

2) The Mystery of the Musical Box has Sally Rogers and her twin cousins David & John visiting their Aunt Sophie's eponymous antique shop in Waterberry. But the story also involves an actual musical box too as the group solve the mystery of a missing painting

In this interesting page we see Bellamy's competent handling of architecture, internal and external. I wouldn't be surprised if the two buildings shown are somewhere around Kettering, his home town, - ask me sometime about the pub in Bellamy's Garth strip. I love the angles in this page too.

The middle panel here showing the car driving through a town, may not be perfect perspective but the houses look so interesting with a castle behind

I've blown up the panel that I love, with the description "beneath the starry sky that night..." we see the light of the moon shining in by virtue of the stark shadows and again detailing that makes the image so impressive.
3) The Mystery of the Black Pearls is the first story where Bellamy condenses the title to one panel (not the whole row as previously) in order to make room for the cartoon strip "Prinny" below. Joe is the orphaned nephew of Mr & Mrs Muggins (!) who own "The Shifted Anchor" pub. Joe, and a friend he makes, called Ann, help Carstairs solve the mystery.

Notice the third row and second panel above, where Bellamy, not uniquely, abandons the formal frame.In the example below he extends the last two panels across the usually 3 or 4 framed rows

Mickey Mouse Weekly 1954 February 13, p4

4) The Men from the East is unusual as it has a very grown-up theme, a missing British offical in Tibet and no children take part! I found the art to be rushed and not very exciting as it's set in Tibet there are lots of mountainous rocky outcrops which Bellamy was so adept at drawing but don't make for a great story. I think his mind was elsewhere at this point.

Strangely on 10 September 1954 the final story illustrated by Bellamy began its appearance in The Sydney Morning Herald and one part is available from the Sunday 26 December 1954 edition thanks to the excellent TROVE website. Can any of my Antipodean friends tell me more?

UPDATE from David Slinn (August 2015):
The most recent piece, covering the 1954 Mickey Mouse Weekly and your particularly detailed look at ‘Monty Carstairs’, was especially enlightening. Noting with interest, the resulting comments about how far ahead of “the field” he was, it does seem slightly puzzling this was Frank’s first major venture with a weekly strip. My theory, no more than that, is the post-war page-rates for adventure strips being pretty dire at the Amalgamated Press, and even more abysmal in Dundee, Odhams Press actually had – by comparison – a very generous scale of fees. Only when the Hulton Press entered the children’s market, was there anywhere else he could have earned, relative to magazine and advertising illustration, what he (or International Artists?) would consider – for the standards of artwork Frank strove to attain – a satisfactory living.

I’ve always regretted [despite, parental pressures on tidying-up, actually being responsible?] no longer having the issues of Mickey Mouse Weekly, sparsely purchased out of limited pocket-money, along with very early copies of Eagle.

I’ve a clear recollection of the first ‘Billy Brave’ story, starting in October 1950, when the Odhams’ title was enlarged and extensively revamped, to compete with Hulton’s phenomenal success. Billy’s hero was Stanley Matthews and the original story, drawn by Tony Weare, revolved around the frail youngster’s soccer ambitions, which were still apparently being pursued in February 1954. Briefly here: I’d say the ‘Robin Alone’ episode (though, it goes out of focus if enlarged) is Bill Lacey; as you mention, Tony Weare did draw some of the earlier series, while I’m fairly certain your probable “unknown”, was Edward Osmond – even, if it seems unlikely. The ‘Marney’s Circus’ adventure, has the look of being Tony Weare’s artwork, and therefore a reprint – which, over the years, particularly with ‘Robin Alone’, Odhams weren’t averse to utilising. ‘Popsy’ is the Roy Davis, of later prolific cartoon output and, while it obviously puzzled you, the ‘Rob Roy’ adaptation is none other than, Patrick Williams.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Frank Bellamy and Churchill at Sotheby's

Sotheby's is auctioning a copy of the Clifford Makins' version of his masterpiece (in my opinion) "The Happy Warrior", one of three special editions printed for the author, (Clifford Makins) the artist (Frank Bellamy) and the biographical subject (Winston Churchill). Why special? Read the links below to find out

"The Happy Warrior"
The estimate of Winston Churchill's own copy which sold at auction recently was £500 but went for a final price of £3,750! The Makins copy went for auction previously for £500 but presumably didn't meet the reserve, if there was one, and is now offered here by Sotheny's.

 Their description says the lot includes the most comprehensive interview with Bellamy from Fantasy Advertiser



4to, FIRST EDITION, 48 pages of coloured picture-strip illustrations by Frank Bellamy on thick paper, plain photographic illustrations of Churchill, red leather gilt binding, silk endpapers, gilt edges. 
some slight spotting and browning

THIS IS ONE OF THREE SPECIAL COPIES PRINTED ON HIGHER QUALITY PAPER AND BOUND IN GOLD-LEAF EMBOSSED LEATHER. One was presented to the artist Frank Bellamy (sold in these rooms 17 July 1997, lot 410), one to  the writer Clifford Makins (this copy) and one to Churchill himself (sold in these rooms as part of the sale 
Daughter of History: Mary Soames and the Legacy of Churchill, 17 December 2014, lot 109). Also enclosed is a copy of Fantasy International (vol.3, no.50, November 1973) with an interview with Frank Bellamy and referring to the Churchill picture-strip; and also The Observer Review, 15 January 1967.

The author Clifford Makins, editor of
The Eagle; given to his successor as editor Alfred Wallace, thence by descent (letter by A. Wallace loosely inserted, dated 9 October 1996)

1,500 GBP - 2,000 GBP

As usual I'll update the sale price when the auction is over


  • WHERE?: Sotheby - English Literature, History, Children's Books & Illustrations
  • SELLER:  [Lot # 36]
  • ESTIMATE:£1,500-£2,000
  • END DATE: JULY 4  2015
  • No of bids:

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Frank Bellamy and Menomonee Falls Gazette

Menomonee Falls Gazette 1972 September 4 No38

Menomonee Falls Gazette was published by Street Enterprises (who also published the cartoon strip equivalent Menomonee Falls Guardian) from 13 December 1971 - 3 March 1978. As a fan publication it changed size, number of pages, quality throughout its run but was always interesting. It had concurrent runs of approximately six daily strips for each title so you could read several days' worth of newspaper strips at once. The Wikipedia article lists some of those comic strip titles. There were also factual columns down the outside margins which had some interesting stuff as well as interviews - when space allowed. I suspect most of the time it was when paid advertising didn't fill the space.

Mike Tiefenbacher and Jerome Sinkovec (MFG's creators) not only included American adventure and soap opera strips (and some Australian) but also British ones too. They were James Bond with art by McLusky, Sydney Jordan's excellent Jeff Hawke, O'Donnell and Holdaway's Modesty Blaise, Paul Temple (by Durbridge and Phil Mendoza), Scarth A.D. 2195, John Burns (and Les Lilley) The Seekers, Peter O'Donnell and Alfred Sindall's Tug Transom.

In the MFG #37 (p.13) the announcement was made that the replacement for "Drift Marlo",
"... starting next issue, will be Garth, England's answer to Superman. After the final two weeks that Steve Dowling did before he retired [sic] (he created the strip in July of 1943), which will appear in #38 and #39 of the Gazette, Frank Bellamy takes over on the art chores. Bellamy is one of the finest craftsman in the whole of comic art and is admired by professionals and fans alike. Garth is the reincarnation of a Greek god, who has the habit of journeying into the past or present to fight tyranny - wherever and whoever it may be 
"Garth" was reprinted from the beginning of Bellamy's first story "Sundance" - 2 issues having John Allard's work until Bellamy started in issue #40 where 6 daily strips were presented on one page

The December 4 1972 issue has #52 on it but was in fact #51 (the James Bond cover), but issue 52 had the end of "Sundance" and the beginning of "The Cloud of Balthus" too, as strips were in blocks of 6. The reproduction was much better than the original Daily Mirror.

MFG #54 p.3
Richard West of Wisconsin
Initial reaction to this "new" strip, that we know about from MFG, was interesting and one wonders if the editors had a letter that covered a lot of points rather than representing the actual reaction. Max Allan Collins, the crime writer, applauded the new strip "By the way, I still can't get over how good Garth is." he said in the same issue.


Menomonee Falls Gazette 1973 January 29 No59

Jerry wrote to Bellamy in the early 1970s asking for clarification regarding John Allard's part in producing Garth, which they began reprinting in their Gazette (#40, 18 September 1972). Bellamy in his usual generous way replied and the two creators of MFG included it in the Gazette:

Letter to Menomonee Falls Gazette
Published in no.81, July 2nd, 1973

A few weeks ago, the London MIRROR Syndicate told us that Frank Bellamy, illustrator of GARTH, would like to see a copy of the GAZETTE. We dashed off a letter to him and this was his reply:
First, I do hope that you will accept my apologies for the delay in writing to you. I have had, and still have, so many deadlines to meet that I have found it very hard to get away from the drawing board. I am sure that you will understand and I do hope that I am forgiven.

Secondly, very many thanks for writing to me and for sending a copy of the GAZETTE.

I can tell you that I was more than pleased to see a copy at last. I must congratulate you both on an excellent production. It's great. May I say here and now that I feel most honored to be included in the GAZETTE with such illustrious company.

Thank you for the complimentary remarks about my work. You are very kind. It means a lot to me to find acceptance in the United States. I was very interested to read about Al Williamson. As I am a great admirer of his work it gives me great pleasure to know that he is familiar with at least some of my work.

You ask about the functions of Jim Edgar and John Allard. Well Jim Edgar is the scriptwriter. John Allard was on the strip for a number of years before I was called upon to draw it. He sometimes letters the balloons. However, I now do all the drawing, but the credits remain. Sounds confusing... it is!

I will do my best to see if it is possible to let you have an original GARTH. The fate of the originals remains with the newspaper. In any case I would be pleased to draw a cover for you, when I can get the time to fit one in!

It's a pity that most of my strip work from the 50s until two years ago was in full colour gravure. It would probably have interested you. That 50s bit alone makes me sound very old! I guess that I am! When I was in the army during the war I was at one time next to a U.S. Unit. My home was surrounded by the U.S. 8th Air Force. Yes, I have a soft spot and affection for the United States, hence my thanks to you for looking at my work.

I would love to receive the GAZETTE and would like to thank you for your most generous offer.
May I think you both again for your kindness and consideration and trust that one day we will meet.
Take care and with many good wishes to you.
Yours sincerely,
Frank Bellamy

Interesting that Bellamy mentions the fate of the originals as his family eventually had these returned and thus they are scattered to the four winds in collectors' hands now. Anyway continuing the MFG letters.....

Menomonee Falls Gazette 1973 August 13 No87

Thank you, Frank, for doing such an incredible job on GARTH. Many of us remember your color work on such strips as THUNDERBIRDS and STAR TREK for the English weeklies also. We hope you continue GARTH for a long time.
In this article I've published all the covers that featured Garth (different characters featured on the cover spot starting in issue #17) and a page of strips. The benefit of these reprints at the time was the clarity of reproduction which was on better paper than the Daily Mirror in the Seventies.

Menomonee Falls Gazette (MFG) #95 had a lovely overview of how the editors gathered the strips from around the world and re-formatted them when needed and how they sent the prepared material to the printers. At this point it was a weekly enterprise! This "Statement of ownership, management and circulation" shows how many copies went out:
MFG #96, p.43

With the 105th issue they celebrated their third year and Garth appeared amongst illustrious company!.

Menomonee Falls Gazette #105
Issue #126 has a column where the editors share their financial position (an unfortunately regular feature from here on in)
Announcement in #126
Menomonee Falls Gazette #127 was the last in which Garth ran every issue. And this is how come I became confused about when and which issues Garth appeared in. People like Steve Rubin emailed me to let me know about discrepancies but I have now exactly mapped the episodes here

In issue 162, again there is talk of costs - this time "The price of Garth is still too prohibitive to restore it to weekly (in fact, it just went up at the turn of the year)." The thinking was to show the same quantity of strips but over a two week cycle.  In #185 the advert appeared for the STreet Enterprises Benefit Portfolio. In January 1975 Jerry Sinkovec wrote to Bellamy asking if he were able to provide a drawing that could be used in this benefit portfolio - the idea being that the money raised would help the financial situation of the publishers (who also ran the Menomonee Falls Guardian (a humor comic strip tabloid) and took over The Comic Reader in which they placed some of their comic strips from MFG when that folded). Bellamy's work did not appear so I assume that he couldn't provide anything, at that time. The Portfolio reads like a Who's Who of the comic world in the mid-70s. The tabloid sized 48 page portfolio book had over 60 artists providing 83 pieces of art: Jack Kirby, Joe Simon, Alex Toth, Syd Shores, Joe Sinnott, Jim Steranko, John Romita Sr., Neal Adams, Gray Morrow, Dick Giordano, Gil Kane, Michael Kaluta, Dave Cockrum, and Jim Aparo.

Issue 186 saw Garth appear in regular sequence but this was an even-numbered issue - so why was the strip there? The answer lies at the bottom of the 6 strips in that issue: "Still waiting for the new Jeff Hawke story, this is a temporary replacement". That situation went on until #194. Garth appeared on the cover of issue #200, drawn with other characters by Walt Simonson (see below). In #202 an explanation was given as to why the strip "Jeff Cobb" ended suddenly and Garth came, once again, to the rescue.

Menomonee Falls Gazette 1974 July 01 #133

Menomonee Falls Gazette 1974 July 1 #133 p.16
Menomonee Falls Gazette 1975 March 24 #171

Menomonee Falls Gazette 1975 October 13 #200

Menomonee Falls Gazette 1975 November 17 #205

Issue #220 had the awful notice saying:

This issue is a sort of a landmark, although one that we are not particularly proud of. This is the last weekly issue you will receive for at least a year, although we will be publishing twelve, monthly issues during that time. 

Issue 223 has the saddest account of happenings behind the scene and #224 announced the death of the Gazette but also its continuation! It limped along and in #227 announced "The Gazette is back!" and issue #232 was the final issue. Some strips moved to The Comic Reader #164 (January 1979) but Garth was not one!

I know how sometimes a small bit of information helps move research on a bit, so in that spirit I've inserted the two relevant pages for researchers from said TCR. BUT bear in mind the final sporadically-published issues might not be in this listing - as shown by Garth appearing until #232

The Comic Reader #164

The Comic Reader #164
These two guys deserve a Lifetime Achievement Award for what they gave fans of comic strips. Reading the columns where they shared the background to ordering, receiving, assembling, printing and distributing what was always a fan-publication was sometimes heart-rending. Their intentions were good but support (through prompt payments from comic sellers and numbers of subscriptions) was not enough to sustain the enterprise. A fascinating research project lies waiting for someone to write and Jerry and Mike are both on Facebook!

I have to thank the scanner of the copies I have - 'Pete The PIPster'  (and if you just want to see the covers - ComicVine has them) and the following people for helping me over the years:
Heinz-George, Allen Lane, Guy Lawley, Steve Rubin, Roger Clark and the last word goes to Jerry Sinkovec himself , who left a comment on the blog: 

Your confusion over the issues of The MF GAZETTE that included GARTH has a simple explanation. We expanded to 48 pages, and found we had overextended ourselves, being hardcore comic strip fans but terrible businessmen. It was hard cutting back, and some of the strips that were reprints went to appearing in every other issue. So GARTH was in the GAZETTE in every issue from #38 to 126, but appeared in just the odd numbered issues from 127 to 181. Most, but not all of the back issues of the GAZETTE and GUARDIAN are still available from me at Jerome Sinkovec, 4040 South 41st Street, Greenfield, WI 53221-1040. I have kept a storage unit full of them for years, not having the heart to throw all of them out.  ~ 18 May 2015